
Since 2014, Acorns has been making saving as simple as possible. The app has 4.2 million active customers, rounding up on everyday purchases to turn spare change into investments. Acorns has built a trusted digital brand, and they tasked us with translating it into their first physical product and packaging.

To emphasize the unique nature of the Acorns Spend debit card, we chose materials that feel solid in the hand. One of the rarest and heaviest metals, tungsten gives the card a surprising weight. It becomes a badge of honor for customers who are choosing to save, invest, and earn while they spend.

Acorns makes investing approachable for everyone, and the card embodies this philosophy. A bright green edge gives it an immediate pop —inviting, lively, and recognizable in a wallet. A simplified tree branch is a reminder of the company’s driving motto: “From acorns, mighty oaks do grow.” And as America moves away from the swipe and towards chip readers, the vertical orientation signals that this card is made for today’s ways of handling money. It’s not another piece of plastic, but a tool that helps people to save and invest for the future.


Industrial Design
Brand Identity

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